School of Sharia - The University of Jordan - Business Collaboration

 Business Collaboration

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Business Collaboration


The Faculty of Sharia participates in community service through external cooperation with the following institutions and bodies:
1.    Ministry of Higher Education:

Including the Council of Higher Education, the Higher Education Accrediting Commission, the Commission for the Equivalence of Degrees for Human Sciences, the Distinguished Research Arbitration Committee, the General Accreditation Committee of the University of Mu'tah, the Committee for Approving and Updating the Curricula of Religion in Jordanian Universities, the Curriculum Committee Teacher qualification.

2.    Ministry of Education:

Faculty members participate in the Ministry of Education in Jordan and the Arab countries, through participation in the writing of Islamic education books in Jordan and Oman. And membership of the Supreme Committee for the development of curricula of Islamic education for all stages of education in the Sultanate of Oman, the Committee for the development of curricula of education in the Ministry of Education and the Committee on Curriculum and textbooks of the Ministry of Education Qatar.

3.    Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Sites:

The faculty members of the Higher Awqaf Council, the Council of Preaching and Guidance, the Supervisory Committee for the preparation of Friday sermons, the Scientific Committee for Reviewing and Auditing the Mus-haf al-Hashemi, the Qur'an Review Committee, and the administration and teaching at the Rehabilitation Center of Imams and preachers.The most prominent participation was to give speeches Friday prayers, Eid prayers, and give lessons on Fridays, and the days of Ramadan, and religious occasions.

4.    Department of the Chief Justice and Shari'a Courts.
5.    Department of Issuing Fatwas.
6.    Islamic banks and banks and financial institutions.
7.    Establishment of colleges and scientific programs.
8.    Scientific and legal consultations.
9.    Participation in scientific encyclopedias, and work in scientific research centers.
10. Membership in the arbitration awards.
11. Participation in intellectual and literary institutions.
12. Participation in the mass media, such as radio, television and satellite channels, and writing in newspapers and cultural magazines.