School of Sharia
"A source of Guidance, and a rise of Knowledge"
Our Vision
A world-class school with pioneering programs that keep pace with scientific, technological, economic, social, and cultural transformation to promote national values and maintain moderate Islam through academic excellence and innovative research to serve the local, Islamic, and global communities.
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Our Mission
Qualifying well-versed Sharia scholars within a distinctive learning, teaching, and research environment that stimulates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship to promote moderation and humanitarian cooperation.
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Our Goals

1. Enhancing moderate Islam.

2. Qualifying Sharia graduates with rigorous academic research.

3. Promoting virtues and morality within our society.

4. Serving communities with highly skilled scholars to address contemporary issues.

5. Enhancing experience exchange through strategic partnership.

6. Constructing Sharia-based solutions to current affairs.

7. Creating a global collaboration to maintain human advancement.

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